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Hey there, Cicadacateers! We’ve finally got some exclusive material for you dropping only on the Patreon feed! O, what’s that? How do you become a Cicadacateer? We’re glad you asked. Just visit our Patreon and pledge at least $1 per month. That’s it! You’ll have access to ALL premium content NETWORK WIDE, we’ll send you select items from our Swag Store from time to time, and coming soon, all Cicadacateers will receive an enamel BROOD BADGE! You definitely want these plump perks, but maybe most importantly, you want the smug satisfaction of knowing that you, dear listener, are an essential component of bringing the valuable work done by everyone at Cicada Radio into the world. We can’t do it without your support, so please, become a Cicadacateer today. We love you.